Scope Technology Apps

DriveProfiler SP 1.0.1
Scope Technology
La aplicación DriveProfiler UBI App está destinada específicamentepara el usuario final (el conductor). Con ella serás capaz devisualizar tus puntuaciones de conducción y tu información de viajeademás de alertas y diagnósticos de avería del vehículo que puedanproducirse. Esta aplicación se conecta directamente al dispositivoMHub. La aplicación te permitirá: 1. Visualizar tus datos de viajey exportar los registros via e-mail 2. Visualizar tu puntuación deconducción 3. Encontrar tu vehículo utilizando la función delocalizar vehículo
CSE Cobralink 1.0.0
Scope Technology
The Cobralink App provides graphical views of your fleet ofvehicles so that you get a visual understanding of your fleet datacollected from the Cobralink tracking device installed in yourvehicles. You will be able to: 1. Check vehicle location 2. TripHistory Log 3. Display trip routes on map 4. Individual tripdetails 5. Change map view 6. Track business vs private mileage 7.Generate trip report and send by email 8. Driver behaviour
Connected Car 1.3.0
Scope Technology
The ConnectedCar application is targeted at the Insurance customerwho can not only see trip information about his vehicle, but alsosee his insurance risk score and obtain tips and feedback on how toimprove his driving. The application works hand in hand with a MHubtelematics device fitted in the vehicle with features allowing youto monitor any driving exceptions arising from other drivers usingyour vehicle You will be able to: - View your trip history in aLogbook - Keep track of distance travelled on a graphical dashboard- View Driver Scores and Driver Behaviour feedback - Route to yourvehicle - Use a parking meter feature
Maif and Go 1.1.0
Scope Technology
Connectez, roulez ! L'application MAIF and GO s'adresse auxsociétaires MAIF inscrits à l'expérimentation MAIF and GO. Ellepermet de visualiser les trajets réalisés, et les événements s'yrapportant. Elle donne aussi accès à un tableau de bord présentantle score de conduite. Pour utiliser l'application MAIF and GO, ilest nécessaire de disposer d'un véhicule équipé d'un boîtier fournipar la MAIF. Plus de renseignements sur
DriveProfiler POC 3.0.0
Scope Technology
The DriveProfiler POC application is targeted specifically for theUBI market where the end user (the driver) is the intendedaudience. The application works with an iPhone device and supportsiOS version 8 and above. You will be able to view your DriverScore, Trip Data and be able to assess where driving behaviour canimprove. You will be able to: - View your trips and submit them toa Logbook. - Keep track of distance travelled on a graphicaldashboard. - View Driver Scores and Driver Behaviour feedback. -Use a Parking Meter Timer.
MZone Fleet 1.1.86
Scope Technology
Welcome to the next generation of Scope Technology's Fleet basedapplications!
Novys 1.8.4
Scope Technology
Analyze your journeys, improve your driving, save on your insurance
C-SEGURO 1.0.0
Scope Technology
With C-Insurance you can analyze all your travel and monitortheevolution of your driving behavior. Every route of theinsuredvehicle will be recorded in the telemetry system andtheinformation obtained will be used in order to help you drivebetterand better. With this application you can: -Register yourtravelautomatically and intelligently. -Adding performance as adriverthrough feedbacks. -Receive driving tips
BA! Telemática 1.0.0
Scope Technology
Piloto del programa de Telemática
BA! Telemática Smart 1.0.0
Scope Technology
Piloto del programa de Telemática.
GVT 1.1
Scope Technology
La app de GVT de TELCEL está desarrollada para consultarelcomportamiento de las unidades del cliente por medio deunsmartphone. Permitiendo conocer los datos más relevantes del usodeun vehículo equipado con un dispositivo del servicio GVT.Ustedserá capaz de: • Conocer la última ubicación de un vehículo. •Verlos viajes que ha realizado las unidades y exportar losrecorridosy enviarlos via correo electrónico. • Poder definir losviajes deempresariales de los personales, exportarlos y enviarlosvía correoelectrónico para tomar acciones de control en caso desernecesario. • Conocer el estatus de los códigos de erros quearrojeun vehículo cuando tenga instalado un equipo de rastreoconconexión al puerto OBD. • Encontrar el vehículo por medio delafunción ubicar mi auto.
MC ConnectedCar 1.0.1
Scope Technology
With the use of the MC telematics device, the MC mobileapplicationlets you track your car’s activities such asacceleration, brakingand other vehicle movements including itslocation. Based on thedriving habits, you can also get a drivingscore and get feedbackto help you become a good driver. With the MCmobile application,you will be able to: View your trip history in alogbook Track thedistance travelled on a graphical dashboard ViewDriver Scores andget Driver Behaviour Feedback Know the locationand route to yourvehicle Use parking meter feature This mobileapplication isexclusive for MC’s authorized users.
Heritage Auto Correct 1.4
Scope Technology
The Auto Correct application allows a customer to view theirdriving performance
DriveProfiler UBI 1.0.12
Scope Technology
The DriveProfiler UBI App is targeted specifically for theUBImarket where the end user (the driver) is the intendedaudience.You will be able to view not only Driver Scores and TripData, butalso view any Vehicle Diagnostic Trouble codes that maycome up andtake the necessary action where needed. The applicationworks handin hand with a MHub device where Teen safety featuresallows you tomonitor any driver behaviours arising from otherdrivers using yourvehicle. You will be able to: 1. View your TripData and exportyour logbook via email 2. Email the logbook taxpurposes thatdistinguishes between business and private 3. Actionany VehicleHealth Check codes that are received 4. View DriverScores – YourDriving behaviour assessment 5. Find your car usingthe Locatefunction
MSIG Fleet Insurance 0.0.11
Scope Technology
The MSIGFleetIns is a motor vehicle insurance apps with telematicsservices.
GVT Fleet
Scope Technology
La app de GVT de TELCEL está desarrollada para consultarelcomportamiento de las unidades del cliente por medio deunsmartphone. Permitiendo conocer los datos más relevantes del usodeun vehículo equipado con un dispositivo de rastreo GPS.Funcionesdisponibles por medio del app: • Seguimiento en tiemporeal de losvehículos • Conocer la última ubicación de los vehículos• Mostrarlos viajes, detalle de las entradas y salidas de lasgecocercas •Alertas generadas por el vehículo • Estatus de entraday salida degeocercas • Notificaciones de eventos y/o alertas •Estadística delos eventos generados por los vehículos • Actualizarla posición delos vehículos por medio del app • Opción de aplicarel paro demotor a los vehículos del acuerdo a los permisos deacceso delusuario • Compartir la ubicación de un vehículo por mediode correoo aplicación de terceros
Capo al Volante 0.0.8
Scope Technology
Capo al Volante es una app que te recompensa con grandesbeneficiosy a la vez te ayudará a mantener y mejorar tu buen estilodemanejo. Con Capo al Volante podrás conocer losprincipalesindicadores sobre tu estilo de manejo, tales comoaceleración,frenadas, entre otros. Podrás participar de retos conel propósitode mejorar tu score de manejo. Accederás a beneficios yrecompensasque tenemos para ti por mantener o mejorar tu estilo demanejo.
Scope Mexico Smart
Scope Technology
The Scope Mexico Smart application is aimed at the personal linesmarket.
MLog Installer 1.0.45
Scope Technology
MLogistics installer mobile application
LifeDrive UBI 1.1.2
Scope Technology
The LifeDrive UBI application is targeted specifically for theUBImarket where the end user (the driver) is the intendedaudience.You will be able to view your Driver Score, Trip Data andbe ableto assess where driving behaviour can improve. You will beable to:- View your trips. - Keep track of distance traveled on agraphicaldashboard. - View Driver Scores and Driver Behaviourfeedback. -Use a Parking Meter Timer.
Seguro Para Você
Scope Technology
Seguros SURA Automobile Insurance with telemetry technology.
Scope Mexico AIO 0.0.24
Scope Technology
The Scope Mexico AIO application is aimed at the personallinesmarket.
MSIG Retail Mobile 1.0.0
Scope Technology
Lifestyle, Productivity, automobile insurance
LifeDrive BLE 1.6.22
Scope Technology
The LifeDrive BLE application is targeted specifically for theUBImarket.
LifeDrive All In One 1.2.23
Scope Technology
The LifeDrive All In One application is targeted specificallyforthe UBI market
MZone Driver 1.0.54
Scope Technology
Helps to complete your scheduled jobs. Integrated with MZone.